1. Agreement, offers and confirmation

1.1 These General Terms and  Conditions apply, to the exclusion of any purchase or other conditions of the  client, to the preparation, content and performance of all agreements between  the client and People Creating Value B.V., trading as PCV Group (the “contractor”).

1.2 All offers are without  commitment and are valid for two months. Prices quoted may be subject to  change owing to unforeseen changes in the work. Prices are exclusive of VAT  and other government levies. The rates and offers quoted will not automatically  apply to future commissions.

1.3 Commissions must be confirmed  by the client in writing. If the client fails to do so but consents to the  contractor commencing the commissioned work, the terms of the offer will be  deemed to have been agreed. Any subsequent oral agreements and stipulations  will not be binding on the contractor unless he has confirmed them in  writing.


2. Performance of the agreement

2.1 The contractor shall undertake  the work commissioned with skill and care and in accordance with agreed  specifications. To the extent necessary the contractor shall keep the client  informed of the progress of the work.

2.2 The client shall do any and  all things that are reasonably necessary or required to enable the contractor  to deliver punctually and properly, in particular by supplying (or causing  the supply of) complete, sound and clear requirements, data or materials in a  timely manner.

2.3 Timelines quoted by the  contractor for completion of the commissioned work are approximations only,  unless the content of the agreement requires otherwise.

2.4 Where a commissioned work is  of a developmental nature (meaning that the required technical solution is  not readily available and needs to be created or invented), trade-offs may be  required for technical, commercial, cost or legal reasons and accordingly  achieving full compliance with specifications cannot be guaranteed by the  contractor.

2.5 Where specifications are not  expressly agreed at the start of the project as being final specifications  for the relevant product, component or system, the specifications shall  undergo the following process of iteration:

(a) at project initiation, the  specifications will be treated as development targets, subject to trade-offs  in terms of performance, features and cost as indicated by the contractor;

(b) during the pre-development  phase, the parties will refine the specifications based on the architecture  chosen;

(c) by the end of the  pre-development phase, target requirements for the commissioned work will be  developed and agreed based on tests, evaluation, and analysis during the  pre-development phase. These target requirements will define the standard  (nominal) performance and provide confirmation that the commissioned work is  capable of achieving the nominal performance targets;

(d) during the development phase,  the commissioned work will be developed to satisfy the target requirements,  and non-standard (non-nominal) performance and precise tolerances will be investigated.  Validation testing and investigation of tolerances of components will also  enable non-nominal performance conditions to be identified and optimised, and  the specification to be adjusted accordingly;

(e) by the end of the development  phase, the commissioned work will be finalised (which will include proof of  function and robustness testing and a frozen product specification including  non-nominal performance requirements) and handed over to the client;

2.6 Following the development phase,  if agreed, contractor may jointly define with the client the detailed  sub-assembly and part specifications, and perform simulations and other  activities to support tool acquisition and pre-production. The accuracy and  completeness of sub-assembly and part specifications and any other  pre-production and production activity is the final responsibility of the  client. Any simulations carried out by contractor are approximations of  real-life conditions and contractor does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness.

2.7 Unless otherwise agreed, the  performance of tests, the application for permits and the assessment whether  the client’s instructions comply with safety and technical laws and standards  do not fall within the scope of the work commissioned to the contractor.

2.8 Prior to production,  reproduction or publication, each party must give the other the opportunity  to check and approve the final draft, prototype or galley proofs of the  commissioned work. If the contractor is to place orders with or give  instructions to manufacturing companies or other third parties, whether or  not in the client’s name, the client must confirm its aforesaid approval in  writing at the contractor’s request.

2.9 Following completion of the development  phase and final closure of a project (and in any event prior to any  pre-production support phase), contractor will complete the handover of the  commissioned work, for client’s final acceptance (in accordance with an  agreed acceptance testing process, if any).

2.10 Any client complaints to the  contractor in relation to the commissioned work and its conformance with  specifications must be filed in writing at the earliest possible time but not  later than within ten business days after completion of the commissioned work  and its handover, failing which the client will be deemed to have accepted  the work commissioned work in its entirety and any and all rights to claim  (additional or changed) performance or compensation of damages will lapse. In  relation to any latent defects which could not have been reasonably  identified during the acceptance process, the client must notify the  contractor within 90 days of their discovery, and raise any claim within 6  months of the date of such notice, failing which all rights to claim  compensation of damages will lapse. The preceding is without prejudice to the  long stop date for claims under article 12.5.


3. Engagement of third parties

3.1 Unless otherwise agreed,  instructions to third parties to be given in the context of executing the  work commissioned will be given by or on behalf of the client. At the  client’s request the contractor may act as an agent for the client’s account  and risk. The parties may agree on a fee for such services.

3.2 If the contractor provides an  estimate of third-party costs at the client’s request, such estimate will be  an approximation only. If required, the contractor may seek quotations from  third parties on the client’s behalf.

3.3 If the contractor procures  goods or services from third parties in the performance of the commissioned  work, for the contractor’s own account and risk and on the basis of an  express agreement, the general conditions of such supplier with regard to the  quality, quantity, properties and delivery of such goods or services will  also apply to the client.


4. Intellectual and other property rights

4.1 Except as otherwise set out in  article 4.2, all patents, design rights and other intellectual property in  the commissioned work developed in the course of the performance of this  agreement will vest in the client, once the client has fulfilled all its  obligations under the agreement. Until such time as the client has fulfilled  all its obligations under the agreement, the above mentioned rights will vest  in the contractor.

4.2 The contractor’s Background IP  (including incremental improvements to it) will be owned by the contractor.  For the purposes of articles 4 and 5, “Background  IP” means all intellectual  property owned by the contractor prior to the date of this agreement or  generated or acquired at any time independently of its activities under this  agreement which is necessary for the client to make, market or sell products  to the extent they utilise the commissioned work. “Incremental improvements”  to contractor’s Background IP means improvements which are developed by  contractor without any material contribution by the client and which cannot  be separated from or used independently of the contractor’s underlying  Background IP. Contractor’s Background IP will be available to the client by  way of the licence in article 5.

4.3 Where, during any  pre-development phase, contractor applies its know-how to present alternative  engineering possibilities or concepts for achieving a solution (“Concepts”), such Concepts shall be  treated as contractor’s Background IP. Once a particular Concept is selected  by the client at the end of the pre-development phase (“Selected Concept”), the Selected Concept and further developments  to it shall be treated in accordance with article 4.1. Concepts which are not  selected for further development within the project (“Non-selected Concepts”) shall be available to the client together  with other Background IP in accordance with article 5 below.

4.4 Unless specifically agreed,  the commissioned work does not include conducting searches for the existence  of any rights of third parties (“FTO”),  including patents, trademark rights, drawing or design rights, copyrights or  portrait rights. The same applies to any investigation into the possibility  of such forms of protection for the client. The parties may agree to involve  the contractor in an FTO search as part of the project, in which case the  following process will apply:

(a) the contractor will identify advisers  (a firm of patent attorneys or similar, the identity of which will be subject  to client’s approval, not to be unreasonably withheld) to undertake the FTO.  The cost of the advisers will be incorporated into the cost of the project;

(b) the contractor will instruct  the advisers, on the client’s behalf and following agreement with client on  the scope of the instructions. The FTO report will be issued solely to the  client, as the customer of the advisers;

(c) the client may make the  content of the FTO report available to the contractor and request it to  provide further input or analysis of the technical content to assist the  client with assessing the FTO report;

(d) any analysis or other support  provided by the contractor shall not extend to or be deemed to constitute  legal advice to the client regarding issues of infringement or validity of  any third party rights, and the client shall be fully responsible for any final  assessment of any risk and any final decision on how to proceed with its  project pursuant to the FTO report;

(e) if, based on the FTO report,  the commissioned work gives rise, or in either party’s opinion is likely to  give rise, to a claim of infringement of third party intellectual property  rights, the parties may work together under this agreement to replace or  modify the commissioned work in such a way as to make it non-infringing,  however neither party shall be obliged to proceed with the work if the other  party does not wish to carry out modification work necessary to materially  reduce the infringement risk.

4.5 Unless the work is not  suitable for that purpose, the contractor will at all times be entitled to  imprint his name on or in or to remove it from the work (or to have his name  imprinted on or in or removed from the work).


4.6 With exception of article 12.5  upon completion of the commissioned work, neither the client nor the  contractor will have any obligation to retain any of the materials and data  used.

4.7 Contractor personnel  (including PCV network partners engaged as sub-contractors in the undertaking  of the commissioned work) will be entitled to be included in the list of  inventors in any patent application in respect of the commissioned work. The  client acknowledges that the right to be named as inventor is a right given  by law which cannot be waived other than by the inventor in writing.


5. Use and licence

5.1 The contractor grants to the  client a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, non-transferable licence  under its Background IP to (i) make, have made, use, sell, import, export,  distribute, display or market client’s products utilising the commissioned  work; (ii) sub-license the Background IP to its component manufacturing  partners for the purpose of procuring components for such products; (iii) to  use the Background IP contributed to the project in further developing the  commissioned work provided that this does not extend to licensing or  disclosing any Background IP to third parties; and (iv) to permit any of its  affiliates to do any of the things set out in this article 5.1. (For the  purposes of this article, “affiliate”  means any entity which from time to time controls, is controlled by or is  under common control with the client, and “control” means ownership or control of a majority of the voting  rights, or the legal power to direct or cause the direction of the general  management of the relevant entity).

5.2 With regard to any  Non-selected Concepts licensed under this agreement, the contractor shall  have no further obligation to disclose or teach the client beyond what is  disclosed for the purposes of the project.

5.3 The contractor may use the  commissioned work at his discretion for his own publicity or promotional  purposes, with due observance of the client’s interests.


6. Confidentiality

6.1 Parties shall not disclose  confidential information concerning or received from the other party, unless  otherwise obligated by law or a judicial order.

6.2 Parties shall oblige their  personnel to comply with article 6.1.

6.3 At the first request of  contractor parties shall enter into a non-disclosure agreement, the terms of  which will continue to apply to the project for the duration of this  agreement, unless otherwise agreed.

6.4 The confidentiality  obligations of this agreement shall remain valid beyond its termination or  expiry (a) in relation to market strategies and financial position, until  they become public; (b) in relation to technical specifications or solutions,  until they are made available to the public as the result of the market  introduction of a product implementing such specifications or solutions; and  (c) in relation to all other confidential information, for a period of 5  years.

6.5 If the client fails to comply  to any obligation in this article 6 it shall forfeit to contractor an  immediately payable penalty of € 25,000 notwithstanding the right of  contractor to claim its actual damages in addition.


7. Processing of personal data

7.1 In so far as parties shall  process personal data in executing the agreement, parties shall do so in a  careful manner, in accordance with the applicable GDPR regulations  implemented in the Dutch AVG.

7.2 In accordance with clause 32  AVG parties shall take appropriate organisational and technical measures to  safeguard personal data.

7.3 If personal data is processed  parties shall enter into a data processing agreement containing at least:

(a) an obligation of the client to  safeguard contractor against any and all damages (including penalties form  responsible authorities) and claims from third parties deriving from the  processed data;

(b) an obligation of the client to  forthwith notify contractor of any infringement as referred to in clause 33  AVG.


8. Fees and additional costs

8.1 In addition to payment of the  agreed fee, the contractor will be entitled to reimbursement of any costs  incurred by him in the performance of the work commissioned.

8.2 If the contractor is required  to perform more or other work due to late delivery or non-delivery of  complete, sound and clear data and/or materials, or any change or error in  instructions, briefings or specifications, such additional work will be  charged separately on the basis of the contractor’s usual fees.



9. Payment

9.1 Payments must be made within  the pay term indicated in the contractor's offer (or, if not indicated,  within 30 days of the invoice date). If the contractor has not received  payment (or payment in full) at the end of that term, the client will be in  default and will owe interest at the statutory rate. All costs incurred by  the contractor in connection with overdue payments, such as costs of  litigation and judicial and extrajudicial costs, including the cost of legal  assistance, bailiffs and debt collection agencies, will be for the client’s  account. The extrajudicial costs will be not less than 10% of the invoice  amount, with a minimum of € 150.

9.2 Invoicing frequency will be  indicated in the contractor's offer (but if not indicated, the contractor  will have the right to invoice the client at monthly intervals for work  performed and costs incurred in the performance of the commissioned work).

9.3 The client will pay the  amounts due to the contractor without any reduction or set-off, save for  settlement against adjustable advance payments relating to the agreement  which the client may have made to the contractor. The client is not entitled  to suspend payment of invoices for work that has already been performed.


10. Termination of the agreement

10.1 If the client gives notice of  termination of an agreement, he must pay the contractor’s fees and the costs  (including committed third party costs) incurred in connection with the work  performed until that date.

10.2 If the agreement is terminated  by the contractor on the grounds of breach by the client in the performance  of the agreement, the client will be required to pay, in addition to damages,  the contractor’s fees and the costs incurred in connection with the work performed  until that date. In this context any conduct by the client on the grounds of  which the contractor cannot reasonably be required to complete the work  commissioned will also be regarded as breach.

10.3 The damages referred to in  Article 10.2 will include (but not be limited to) the costs (including  committed costs) arising from obligations undertaken by the contractor in his  own name with third parties for the performance of the work commissioned, as  well as 30% of the balance of the fee that the client would owe the  contractor if the work commissioned were fully completed.

10.4 Both the contractor and the  client will have the right to terminate the agreement in whole or in part  with immediate effect if the other party is declared bankrupt or is granted a  suspension of payments (whether or not provisional). If the client is declared  bankrupt, the contractor will have the right to terminate the right of use  granted, unless the consequences would be contrary to the principles of  reasonableness and fairness.

10.5 In the event of termination by  the client on the grounds of breach in the performance of the contractor’s  obligations, the performance already completed and the related payment  obligation will not be subject to cancellation, unless the client provides evidence  that the contractor is in default of that performance. Amounts that the  contractor has invoiced before the dissolution for work performed or  delivered properly under the agreement will remain payable in full with due  observance of the previous sentence and will fall due immediately upon  termination.

10.6 If the contractor’s work  consists of recurrently performing work of a similar nature, the agreement in  question will be valid for such time as the work is requested by the client  (plus any agreed notice period), unless otherwise agreed in writing. Such agreement  may be terminated by written notice given with due observance of a reasonable  notice period of not less than three months.

10.7 Contractor waives the right to  declare the agreement void for reasons of error (clause 6:228 Dutch Civil  Code) or file a claim to modify the agreement (clause 6:230 Dutch Civil  Code).


11. Warranties and indemnities

11.1 The contractor warrants that  the commissioned work supplied to the client has been made by the contractor  or on its behalf and, if the design is protected by copyright, that the  contractor is the author within the meaning of the Auteurswet (Dutch Copyright  Act) and as the copyright owner has the power of disposition of the work.

11.2 The contractor warrants that,  to the best of the contractor’s knowledge, client’s permitted use of  contractor’s Background IP licensed to it under this agreement shall not  infringe any intellectual property right vested in any third party (subject  to any third party rights identified in the FTO, which shall be treated as a  disclosure against this warranty).

11.3 The client indemnifies the  contractor or persons engaged by the contractor in the performance of the  commissioned work against any third-party claim or action arising from the  exploitation or use of the commissioned work except to the extent such claim  or action arises as the result of contractor’s breach of its warranties in  this article 11.

11.4 The client indemnifies the  contractor against any claim or action relating to intellectual property  rights in materials or information supplied by the client and used in the  performance or exploitation of the commissioned work.



12. Liability

12.1 The contractor will not be  liable for:

(a) errors or defects in materials  or information supplied by the client or caused by acts of the client, such  as late delivery or nondelivery of complete, sound and clear requirements,  information and/or materials, or client decision not to proceed with any  steps reasonably recommended by the contractor;

(b) errors or defects by third  parties engaged by or on behalf of the client;

(c) inaccuracies in offers made by  suppliers, or prices quoted by suppliers being exceeded;

(d) errors or defects in the commissioned  work or errors in the text/data if the client has given its approval in  accordance with the provisions of article 2.9 or has had the opportunity to  perform approval testing or inspection and has failed to do so;

(e) errors or defects in the  commissioned work or errors in the text/data if the client has not had a  particular model or prototype prepared or a particular test performed and the  errors would have been apparent in such model, prototype or test.

(f) improper or defective  manufacture of products incorporating the commissioned work;

(g) improper or unsafe handling or  use of products by consumers or maintenance personnel;

(h) any addition or modification  to the commissioned work in the final product or components or subsystems in  or included with any the products which were not designed by contractor;

(i) any matters relating to  application for permits in relation to final products incorporating the  commissioned work, and compliance of such products with technical or safety  regulations or standards.

12.2 The contractor will be liable  only for direct damage attributable to it. Direct damage will include only:

(a) reasonable costs to assess the  cause and extent of the damage, to the extent that such assessment concerns  damage within the meaning of these general conditions;

(b) any reasonable costs  necessarily incurred to replace, correct or complete any defective part of  the commissioned work provided that, where reasonably practicable, the contractor  is given an opportunity to carry out such remediation itself at its cost; and

(c) reasonable costs incurred to  prevent or limit the damage, to the extent that the client demonstrates that  those costs led to a limitation of the direct damage referred to in these  general conditions.

12.3 The contractor shall not be  liable for indirect and consequential damage, including loss of profits, loss  of anticipated savings, loss of business, intervention in the field or  product recall, corrupted or lost data or materials, or damage due to  business interruption.

12.4 Save in the event of wilful  intent or recklessness by the contractor, the contractor’s total liability  for damage or loss arising from this agreement or any wrongful act committed  against the client will be limited to the value of amounts invoiced and paid  in respect of the relevant project under this agreement.

12.5 Any and all liability will  expire twelve months from the date of completion of the commissioned work.

12.6 Where reasonably possible the  client will be required to retain copies of materials and data he has  supplied until the work commissioned has been completed. If the client fails  to do so the contractor cannot be held liable for any damage or loss that  would not have occurred if such copies had existed.


13. Other terms

13.1 The client will not be  permitted to transfer or assign to third parties any of the rights under an  agreement concluded with the contractor, save in the event and as part of a  transfer of the client’s entire business.

13.2 The headings in these General  Terms and Conditions have been included for easy reference only and are no  part of these Terms and Conditions.

13.3 All agreements between the  contractor and the client are governed by Dutch law. All disputes arising out  of this agreement, or relating to the performance of this agreement, will be  resolved exclusively by the competent court in the place of domicile of the  party bringing the claim. However, if this would render a court outside of  the EU or Switzerland competent, the court in the place of domicile of the  party alleged to be in breach will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle the  dispute. The preceding is without prejudice to a party’s right to seek  injunctive relief in relation to any breach and/or imminent breach of this  agreement, or to seek enforcement of a payment obligation, in any court of  competent jurisdiction in any relevant territory.